Monday, June 24, 2013

Series of Unfortunate Events

Let's just say, the past few days (well, past couple weeks) have been a bonified, ratchetl, terrible hot mess.

Warning: This a RANT of my misfortune. I rarely do these, but, seriously, I can't make all of this up.

Tuesday, June 11 -- When the downhill of shit started to roll

This is the day I got into a HUGE (we're talking MASSIVE) argument with my mom. To begin with, my mom and I aren't close AT ALL, but, hey, tolerance is key! This argument all started over my grandma's house. Needless to say, things got brutal and A LOT of ridiculous things we said and to this day, as she sits on my couch playing on her bedazzled phone that my brother pays for, she does not speak to me. That's completely fine with me. It's her loss.

Thursday -- 6/20

This is the last day of my work week, so, one should be excited about it, right? Well, absolutely not!
The students were absolutely terrible. I found out one of my coworkers has allegedly been talking about me, and  this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Friday -- 6/21

This is my day off, so, it's not terrible. I honestly can't remember who happened because like I said, I've been a hot mess lately. I let my BFF's husband use my charger since he left his in Raleigh. All I did that day was babysit. I don't think it was terrible...

Saturday -- 6/22

So, my phone is dead all day. So, around 6pm, I turned my phone on, because it had a little bit of juice. Then, this happens:

I had a little bit of juice left and found out, I had a meeting earlier that 1:30. It was an impromptu meeting. , how about I get gas. go to charlotte, get COMPLETELY lost because of detours and what not. my phone is dead, iPad blanked out and I lose my directions. I have 3 crying/anxiety attacks, go to a CVS and a gas station for directions (no one could help) and then my gas light comes on and I drive 70-85 mph to get from PINEVILLE where I ended up back home...which is about an hour .
Oh, I didn't even make it to the meeting.
Afterwards, I decided to drive to my BFF's house to get said charger and I run out of gas in a ditch.....
LOVELY right?

Sunday -- 6/23
After walking to the neighbors house the night before and almost getting swatted with a newspaper, I ended up crashing at my friend's house. We treated this like a normal day. We went to eat, got gas, etc.. When I was leaving from this lovely ditch, my engine light starts to sporadically blinking and it sounds like my car is going to clunk out.  Needless to say, this is NOT what I needed. Afterwards, I had to send an email to work saying I couldn't be there (and that's a whole nother story) and I think I've managed to piss off two bosses.

See....series of unfortunate events...
Got to love it, right??

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