Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Let me telll you...

Let me tell you, when I say I'm busy...I mean, shit's been bananas. I feel like I've been ALL OVER THE PLACE! The bachelorette outing was wonderful. Only I would develop like a hardcore crush on the guy I danced with. Too bad I didn't get to close the deal by getting his number.  The wedding is over. It was absolutely beautiful. My first MOH obligation is DONEEE! :)

Right after the wedding, I started my summer camp job. WHEN I say things have been RIDICULOUS, I mean absolutely cray cray bananas! I have 6-7 year olds and they were off the chain! Like so much, I can't even get a single lesson (AND I'M A TEACHERRRRR!)

AHHHHH! Let this shit show known as my life continue!

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